TGRM services for the Australian Sheep Industry
TGRM™ is the most advanced mate selection service available in the world today.
Read more about TGRM™ and how you can benefit by following the links to the left or download an information pack (below).
You now have more choices on how you receive your TGRM™ services! You can contact one of the following service providers to obtain pricing and information about the TGRM™ service they can provide you with, or download an information pack to receive the TGRM™ Mate Selection Service direct from X'Prime.
Advance Livestock Services
Phone: +61-3-5573-3201
Mobile: +61-427-733-201
Fax: +61-3-5573-3202
Download your information pack as a zip file:
Or download the individual pdf's (or view in your browser):
TGRM Mate Selection Service
TGRM Mate Selection Service AU Sheep Pricing
TGRM Mate Selection Service AU Sheep Order Form
TGRM Mate Selection Service Overview
What is Mate Selection
The Genetic Tradeoff
Inbreeding: Why Is It Important?
Managing Traits and the $Index
What is Coancestry?
Major Genes for Important Traits
TGRM for Breeding Groups
If you can't find a service provider, please register your interest in TGRM at: