TGRM™ for Individual Breeding Programmes
Mate Selection for Managing Sustainable Genetic Gain
Profitable performance in the breeding industry is heavily influenced by genetic gain. Inbreeding results in loss of genetic variance, the key driver of genetic gain. Maximising genetic gain while managing inbreeding can now be achieved, and with mate selection the maximisation of other profit drivers in the breeding program is possible. Mate selection was not possible until the advent of TGRM™.
As a breeding business decision system, TGRM™:
- is driven by the needs of your breeding business
- helps you realize optimum genetic gain
- permits “what-if” analysis, giving you choice and multiple options
- can take $ cost into account in the mating decision
- does not limit on the number of traits handled
- delivers the mating reports
- uses artificial intelligence in an easy to use system and produces visual results
- has a large array of powerful functions for in-depth analysis and review of breeding decisions
- captures breeding decision information for future use